My husband tells me he knows "look." -6 Hearing at the age when a firecracker exploded in impaired from him about, he sometimes mishears what people say, people to see him a quizzical manner may be. For example, a business partner he was going home one day, as the partner's wife asked him if he would eat something for breakfast. He said, "No, I do not think I could stomach this morning." She gave him "look." It turns out he was asked if he would be "meeting someone for breakfast." Though a humorous incident, and communicate with a hearing impaired person was networking can be challenging. My husband and with others based on my experience, I work hard to face, using the brief hearing to talk to has some tips for preparing.
Face. The other person straight in the face. My husband thinks that the # 1 thing people can do to improve communication with hearing impaired. "He seems really worried when he could not see the other person's face.
The first step to ensure that you get the attention of the person so that they are looking at your face when you're talking to. Say the person's name or if appropriate, they tap on the forearm.
Then you consciously make sure that the person see your face every time you are talking about (around the corner or another room talking too much can make the rules) need to make. You may need to get close to. Sure enough the make your face is lit. In front of a bright window or standing with their backs to the sun, that traces the silhouettes or shadows on your face as not, it's hard to see. Turn your head away and do not talk. Hill blocks view your lips do not put anything in front of the mouth. Put anything in your mouth, do not either. If you, or chewing smoking are eating, you will be more difficult to understand. Facial hair mustache in particular, can impair understanding. So if you have facial hair, keep it neatly trimmed. Even if the person is formally not read lips, they face and lips movements using the sense of consider.
If the person you indicate (or is it clear) that they better listen to one side, "good" side in reply to your comment.
Adjust the volume and rate. You need to speak a little louder than usual, especially if there is a lot of background noise might be, but do not shout as screaming sound distorts. If at all possible a lot of background noise (TV, parties, noisy restaurants, multiple conversations, etc.) to avoid interaction with the regions. A moderate rate, fast, not too slow but not speak. You slowly, clearly need to speak my words clear enough, but as exaggeration that makes it more difficult to understand, not your speech.
Clear. If your hearing impaired conversation partner asks you some simple, clear terms for repeat try rephrasing. To verify easily understood to encourage responses. For example, you ask, "Tell me what you think about ..." For information can write down a future meeting time for confusion and avoid the kind of place, especially for important information be prepared. Business conditions, to a short conversation you can follow up with email. Clear your topic. As a journalist, make sure you highlight what, when, where, why and what your subject. Very clear when you subject, or hearing impaired person may misinterpret conversations change.
Empathy. If you become frustrated and hearing impaired individuals begin to doubt the intelligence to negotiate while trying to imagine what it might like to try to wear earplugs. I wear ear plugs at night to help block and my husband is snoring sometimes talk with me while I'm wearing them tries. All I hear is normal to have to do is take them out. With hearing aids, my husband is hearing challenges (though, he could easily take out the hearing aids when our children were crying as children). Consider how someone you if you "look" and you knew that it was seen to give because you misheard him and said something to feel "stupid." Patient, empathetic and respectful hearing impaired person to communicate care needs will be rewarded with more meaningful communication.;u=53201
Seeing Science Everywhere
12 years ago