Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Cure For Cancer

I was surprised, in those early days of our trip, how many people knew about "a cure for cancer." Everyone, it seemed, the consultant and all you had to do was to eat it or place it. Herbs are wonderfully exciting with curative powers beyond belief. Additional vitamins were amazing and could cure everything from colds to cancer, and everything in between - so experts told us. Eventually, the burden of having to know everything that has become acute. I appreciate why so many people do not undertake alternative therapy in the search for wellness. In those early days, we had a kitchen, which bristled with bushes, sheets and bottles. Our cabinets groan under the weight of things that could contain any health food store look like it would be well stocked. Eventually, I felt that enough is enough and we cut to a level that I thought I had some control.

Some people wanted to make up for any price, and came forward with their ideas about what to do, mixed with thoughts derived from experience or conversation with others or some that were published in the media (I hope I can speak of this later). I remember going to dinner with a friend who owned a food supply company for many years before. "Cancer!" He exclaimed when he said: "Well, in this case, you need to do ....." and was off and running. His advice came very quickly and non-stop throughout the entire meal, until, in exasperation, I told him to stop and stop. "For God's sake is to stop talking about a cure for cancer!" I told him. "I'm sick and tired of the bloody air! And I'm sick and tired to be told how to cure it." He was hurt and I was angry, but cut off the conversation there and then. And it's right there in this beautiful sun-drenched porch, so I decided to investigate the facts for yourself, but I would do it in a rational and scientific manner as possible, lay people do.

Research on reading

I started reading. I enjoyed the story of survival, because these stories I am sure that what we were looking for, it was possible. If someone else did it, I reasoned, we could do it. If this was done, then it must be done again, and if this was not done, then someone must be the first. Anything is possible. I found the motivational books and read at every opportunity. I would repeat this story Donna, even when she slept, believing that at some level, her mind is listening. Years before, I found the book, Louise Hay, and so I once again its records on a regular basis. Were (and are) easy to read books that are not too heavy in content and can be started from almost every side at all times. Even now, many years later, I removed the comfy chair with one of his books when I need comfort and stability.

To create some sort of basis for the treatment path, we decided to get directions from people who could not before us. Someone who has survived both the diagnosis and prognosis. We had learned from many people, meditation is included in virtually all long-term cancer survival, and so we wanted to learn how to meditate. We also know that food is important that we need to learn what to eat and when to eat and how to combine a variety of food available, and perhaps as important as any other thing you could do, we need to connect with others who were on the same path, looking for his cure for cancer so that we can draw from the utility power, providing power to our colleagues, when necessary, because in fact we know that someone, somewhere, there would for us when we needed too. We researched our options and decided to join the Gawler Foundation's residential program at the Yarra Valley in Victoria, Australia. I have Ian Gawler, founder, and this before now, as a coincidence rather than anything else. We joined about forty other people, for ten days in live-in experience, and there we learned in the most gentle way of food to support the system against the body and foods that do not. We learned about using herbs and supplements from experts in those fields and, for me, the most important thing of all, we learned how to meditate experts. I had already sent for some time, but Bob Sharples and Ian Gawler taught me how to meditate.

Our search to find our cure for cancer

And so our journey began. I was wondering for liver cancer research and quickly found that it is so much information on cancer. So much to learn. Too true, and so I created the rules, and to share with you now, there are so many things, so many techniques, so a lot of programs around the world, it is impossible to understand them all or to have a working knowledge of them all, so here it is what we have decided to work for us if we heard something that would like to thank the people who told us whether the Universe thanks for putting it on our way, and then continue, if we heard of it, secondly, from another source would be noticed and thanked the person or the Universe to be sent again, but if you heard it the third time, even from another source, should be explored and investigated as thoroughly as I possibly could. Now, you may have noticed that I changed one of us up here and there is a reason for it. The practical reason is that we only have one computer, but more importantly, Donna needed all his strength in those early days to maintain their treatment. It was her job to concentrate on ourselves and to rest and meditate and be reimbursed as soon as possible. There were times, of course, has been able to do their own investigation, but gradually, the task fell to me. As a cancer support group started, Donna became involved in the organization. People wanted to talk to survivors, to be with her and some of that hand to feel real. In order to reassure that it is possible, this matter of survival. One person has done .....

Beware Weak Spirit

Being a family was difficult for her, and it's a good point to remember for you too. I believe that each of us has a spirit, some equate with the description as a spirit soul, the other has been described as a presence. No matter how streamlined the word spirit, I believe that the spirit is a limited resource and quickly goes from positive to negative resonance when they are not fed with kindness and unconditional positive regard for ourselves, our companions, our world and our universe. These are the foundation of life, and life long aspiration to complete. Some believe that the reasons for our existence, whatever you believe, I believe that the opportunities present in the area. Opportunities for learning? Definitely. Opportunities for growth? Clearly, all these things, but also an opportunity to show that we can be fully human in every sense of the word. Sometimes we come across another which has not yet taken their opportunities, and whose spirit is not, these people find other congenital, whose spirit is more complete and ride it with these people. Subconsciously attracted to one whose spirit is stronger. Like a sponge that quickly gets spiritual food so that once a strong person, weaker, physically, mentally and psychologically. These people will be popping the weaker brain you if you're not ready. We all had the experience, I am sure that when we spent some time in the company of some people, me my feeling that "sucks the life out of me" - you be known? This is a weaker spirit, recognizing and taking the opportunity to gain a livelihood from a stronger spirit. You should be aware of these cases, the way your treatment and protective measures that do not expose yourself too much. I mentioned earlier to be aware of who you are around. Get around the right people, as the saying goes, because the fact that some people may wish to emulate, and who are like minded in their thinking that you will be supported.